‘Wall-Mounted Level’ is a collaborative, multiplayer game that is projected onto a hand drawn cityscape that was laser-cut and assembled into a relief sculpture. Using projection-mapping and other compositing techniques, players move their characters into, out of, and across the fractured environment that doubles as a metaphor for their internal landscapes. Our motivation for creating ‘Wall-Mounted Level’ was to embrace tangible surfaces as mediums for games to exist in, and for the interactions between players to occur in person. The verbal communication and physical touch that takes place between the players is especially important to us in terms of human-facing interactions as it extends the games narrative of ‘reconciliation’.
'Wall-Mounted Level' meets two goals of Wizaga head-on: (1) utilizing real, physical surfaces for our environment helps to secure the sense of presence between the players, thereby increasing opportunities for empathy to exist between them. (2) we can further increase the value of these human-facing interactions by promoting 'meaningful choice' through game-play and shared experiences.
Gameplay footage
Players footage
Making of